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HomeActive Public - Committee - Legislative

About Us:

The Legislative Committee of Los Abogados plays a pivotal role in shaping public policy and advocating for legislation that aligns with the organization's mission to support and advance the Latino community within the legal profession and beyond. By working closely with legislators, aligned groups, and stakeholders, the committee ensures that the interests and rights of Latinos are represented and protected in the legislative process.

Our Work:

  • Legislative Advocacy: The committee actively monitors, supports, or opposes legislation that impacts the Latino community, focusing on issues such as civil rights, immigration, access to justice, and diversity in the legal profession.
  • Collaboration: Engaging with other organizations, coalitions, and advocacy groups, the committee amplifies its impact by working together on common legislative goals.
  • Education and Awareness: Through briefings, discussions, and public statements, the committee keeps Los Abogados members and the wider community informed about legislative developments and advocacy opportunities.

Get Involved:

Legislative advocacy is a team effort, and the success of our initiatives greatly depends on the involvement and support of Los Abogados members. There are multiple ways to contribute:

  • Stay Informed: Sign up for updates on legislative issues and actions. Being well-informed is the first step in effective advocacy.
  • Advocacy Actions: Participate in advocacy days, letter-writing campaigns, and other actions directed at legislators to make our voices heard.
  • Expertise Sharing: If you have expertise in specific areas of law or policy, your insights can be invaluable in shaping the committee's strategies and submissions.

Interested in joining or learning more?

If you're passionate about legislative advocacy and wish to contribute to the Legislative Committee's efforts, we welcome your involvement.

Contact: For more information or to get involved with the Legislative Committee, please email us at

Current Committee Chair:

  • Chair: Irania Fimbres-Ruiz

The mission of Los Abogados is to develop, empower, and support the Latino community through the advancement of the legal profession.